TMEditX 4.2 Release Finalized

TMEditX is the licensed and much more capable tool for fixing up MSIX packages since it doesn’t have to depend on the Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool to create the final package.  [Download_page]

More new features and fixes to improve your packaging! The PSF version is release v2024.02.04, plus a small patch for the next release, from the TimMangan branch).

TMEditX new features

PSF 2024.02.04.Next

This includes some patches to the 2024.02.04 release that will be in the next PSF release in April.  It includes Using fixes for apps using file picker dialogs against UNC style paths. It also includes a fix for local versus tradition style redirection that was affecting AppData\Roaming for some apps.


Consolidated COM Clsid Analysis to improve coverage while eliminating false positives that occur, especially when the packaging machine starts taking updates mid-package.

Also added a new COM subtab on the Pitons display, to clearly show the Com CLSID, Interface, and Typelib analysis of what is in the manifest, what is fixable, and what is not.

We now also force a re-analysis of the package after applying COM fixes for Shell Extensions.

Added detection and fixins of Managed Com Servers and shell extensions that are not registered in the manifest.

Modern App Detection

Added detection and warning of apps needing the .Net Desktop Runtime 5.0.10 or later.

Where to find

The latest version of TMEditX is found at the following link.  TMEditX has a fully functional trial mode that can be used to verify just how good it is.

TMEditX Download ( 

By Tim Mangan

Tim is a Microsoft MVP, and a Citrix CTP Fellow. He is an expert in App-V and MSIX.