New (free) MSIX Book Released

A Developer's Guide to MSIX book cover.

I am really excited to announce the availability of a new (and free) community Ebook on MSIX that is for developers of traditional Win32 and/or .Net Framework applications that are interested in modernizing to MSIX.

The book took 12 months to come to fruition, and my co-authors have been invaluable in helping ensure that we have both great coverage and …

Training in a pandemic, one year in and going strong.

A remote class in 2020

Most of our business is in training the IT Staffs of large organizations to enable them to better prepare and deliver applications to their (mostly) internal users, specifically around the Microsoft App-V and MSIX technologies.  We also do some consulting in the Citrix and End-User-Computing space, and sell some tools. And the bulk of our …

Announcing PassiveInstall

Passive Install logo
A PowerShell Automation Framework for Application Packaging with Passive/Silent Installations.


Today I am releasing another free tool for the community, called PassiveInstall, plus a free online training course for it (see bottom of this article for a link to the training).  A PowerShell module intended for use by anyone wanting to create customized automated installations of vendor applications …

How I sequence Java in App-V

attib: digitalart

Earlier this week I was queried (by Andrew) about an issue with the JreBlock script we use for sequencing Java. There was an issue with using in on 64-bit machines. Patrick wrote the original version for us more than 4 years ago, and we were using a different version in our training classes than was on the website

AppV 5 Connection Group “Pellucidity” and Deletion Objects

I have written a new “white paper” on App-V 5. This one looks at package “pellucidity” (the layering effect caused by the settings “override local” or “merge with local”), and package deletion objects and how these are implemented at the client when you use Connection Groups.

As it was in 4.6 with DSC, all is not as simple as you …

What’s a Citrix Streaming Customer to do now?

OK. So XenDesktop 7, the new combined version of XenDesktop and XenApp is now released.

And we can see that Citrix has not integrated their own application virtualization solutions (Citrix Streaming) into the Citrix Studio console. Instead, they have chosen to with integrate Microsoft App-V 5.

And not just into the Management console, but also in the new AppDNA, which …