Another new fixup for MSIX PSF: EnvVar

Image Attribution: VectorHuman

A summer ‘staycation’ project from me. This project is now accepted into the develop branch of the Microsoft PSF repository.

EnvVarFixup is a new type of MSIX Package Support Framework intercept that addresses the issue of MSIX not supporting new/changed environment variables inside the package.

The fixup allows for the specification of environment variables and values …

New Goodness in PsfTooling 4.1.0

Today there is a new version of PsfTooling up in the Microsoft Store. A free tool, it works in conjunction with the Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool to add and configure the MSIX Package Support Framework into your package capture.

So what’s new in version 4.1?

  •  Added a button to analyze and suggest fixups (see image below). At this point it

PsfTooling 4.0

Today I am happy to announce that version 4 of PsfTooling is now available from the Microsoft Store.  A free tool, it is used in conjunction with the Microsoft MSIX Packaging tool to add and configure the Package Support Framework (PSF) during the repackaging process.

The changes in this new version include:

  • A revamped UI.  Instead of three wizards there

Solving DLL Not Found issues in MSIX

The new DynamicLibraryFixup component of the Package Support Framework simplifies the task of ensuring that processes in your package find dlls that are also in your package.


Applications use a variety of techniques to ensure that the exe used to start a process can load the dll files they require. In general, the dll is loaded through a Windows …