The Package Support Framework (PSF) was started by Microsoft as an Open Source Project to help Win32 and .Net Framework based software operate in the new MSIX Container runtime, however the latest changes are now made in my own fork at .
The “Thanksgiving” release brings in some sought after changes in the PSF for issues that have cropped up. This release is versioned 2021.11.24.
CMD Scripts and Launches. I have changed the way that cmd based scripts are processed by the launcher. These were problematic in the past due to changes at the OS level that occurred since that code was last addressed. These changes are internal and no change is required to the json configuration, however there is a new PowerShell launcher script used for this purpose (StartMenuCmdScriptWrapper.ps1) that must also be included in the package.
Ultimately, the launch of cmd scripts now use the invoke-commandindesktoppackage cmdlet and will ensure that the script runs inside of the container. The json option to request running outside of the container remains inoperable, but at least now we have a consistent experience.
File/URL Launches. I have fixed the launching of files by the launcher. The launcher will now determine the local FTA default program to run at the runtime system from the file extension, and will start that program with the file using the invoke-commandindesktoppackage cmdlet. These changes are also internal and require no change in the json, however there is a new PowerShell launcher script used for this purpose (StartMenuShellLaunchWrapperScript.ps1) that must also be included in the package.
Ultimately, these files will now be launched in a process that is inside of the container as well.
FileRedirectionFixup. An edge case was discovered that broke certain applications in the previous re-write of this fixup. The case involved an application that attempted to create a sub-folder and then file below the last level contained in the package, which failed (Path not found) as redirection did not kick in when it should have. This is resolved.
Products using PSF: These changes will be reflected in releases of TMEditX ( see: video) and PsfTooling (4.15 see: video) that are now released. Other vendors including the PSF in their products may implement these changes at their own pace.