Version of TMEditX has now been released. The change to version 2 represents the culmination of a years’ worth of work to make successful packaging with MSIX a whole lot easier. Better analysis, improved workflows to implement recommended changes, and a better PSF so that we can make apps better!

A short summary of the changes since last month alone includes:
- Includes v2022.01.19 of our fork of the Package Support Framework.
- Includes a subset of the upcoming February PSF release as well.
- Improvements in the Analysis of packages.
- Improvements in the workflow to streamline your activities.
- Scripting support for automated packaging.
- Many more subtle fixes that improves on application fidelity.
A more complete listing of the changes and the download may be found at TMEditX Download (
For information on the PSF updates, see this previous post: New in the PSF v2022.01.19 – Confessions of a Guru (