A collection (so far) of #APPV 5 Client file visibility and blocking information

While I continue to try to get a better grip on connection groups, let’s continue documenting some of the side issues I have come across. Today, I’ll focus on a single package and either want to block visibility of a potential local installation or need to allow visibility of something local, like a license file.

In attempting to work solutions …

“Who Are You”? and App-V 5 Script Error 534

One of the frustrations that I have in working with App-V 5 virtual apps is remembering to forget everything that I know about how application virtualization worked before version 5. Quite often, the same concept is implemented just so slightly differently that I make assumptions about an app problem that is incorrect, simply because I “know” more than I should. …

Microsoft blogs about AppV_Manage

Maybe there is something to AppV_Manage you’ll find useful. This free tool from the App-V 5 Tools section of the TMurgent website was recently covered as a great source for troubleshooting App-V in a Microsoft support blogpost on TechNet by Microsoft’s own John Behneman!

Check it out here: https://blogs.technet.com/b/appv/archive/2014/01/30/how-to-troubleshoot-app-v-5-0-deploymentconfig-amp-userconfig-script-deployment-failures-using-appv-manage.aspx

Scripting Restriction in App-V 5: error 0x8AD

In our training class on App-V 5 SP2 two weeks ago (yes, I did do the class using the Service pack less than a week after the release), we had a problem in one of the labs and saw a new client error 0x8AD. I won’t name names, but the student causing all the chaos is visible in the photo …

AppV 5 Connection Group “Pellucidity” and Deletion Objects

I have written a new “white paper” on App-V 5. This one looks at package “pellucidity” (the layering effect caused by the settings “override local” or “merge with local”), and package deletion objects and how these are implemented at the client when you use Connection Groups.

As it was in 4.6 with DSC, all is not as simple as you …

App-V 5 and App Related Data

One of the big benefits of App-V has always been that applications that needed certain kinds of remediation to work today were automatically dealt with.

I’m talking about apps that were developed without complete support for multiple users (or multiple tenants), or for apps that assumed systems that have no security protection to write to common locations.

We just sequenced …

TIP: Solving FTA Conflict in App-V

Back when we created SoftGrid, the OS only supported one “owner” application for a given file type association. And we learned to live with this, but really didn’t like it all that much. Now we don’t have to.

Background on FTA Conflict

For natively installed applications, somewhere along the way Microsoft added a new interface for developers (or more specifically …