
I posted a new White Paper on a new site called PaperShare today. The site was created by two people I know quite well, David Greschler (one of the Softricity Founders and until recently at Microsoft) and Doug Brown (known for his website).

PaperShare is only in Beta right now, but I am excited at how they are combining social media with this information sharing. There are plenty of sites for sharing white papers, but those have tended to get clogged up with vendor marketing spiels making it hard to find quality technical content. I think that by embedding the social media sites into their action along with rating systems will allow the community of people you trust help you to find “the good stuff”.

Check it out at

Oh, and my paper is directly at An-Independent-View-of-Agent-versus-Agentless-by-Tim-Mangan

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By Tim Mangan

Tim is a Microsoft MVP, and a Citrix CTP Fellow. He is an expert in App-V and MSIX.