TMEditX 3.6 (finally) Released

TMEditX is the licensed and more capable tool for fixing up MSIX packages since it doesn’t have to depend on the Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool to create the final package.  [Download_page]

It took a while to get this release out due to our busy schedule, but here it is!  Link to the download page: TMEditX Download (

Features/Fixes: TMEditX

  • Added support for PSF 2023.8.28 release.
  • Added support to fix apps that register context menus under the Shell key ExplorerCommandHandler instead of ShellEx (e.g.: Notepad++ 8.5.7)
  • Added support for UAP10 TrustLevel and RuntimeBehavior attributes for applications.
  • Added support for the detection of App-V scripts in some packages converted from App-V.  No fix is available, just detection so that you are aware of potential issues when converting to MSIX.
  • Added support in the GUI for changing the default application in the package. Performed as button on the Applications tab.
  • Added support for detection of App Paths registrations under HKCU in addition to HKLM.  Originally only HKLM App Paths registration was supported by Microsoft.
  • Added the detection of VCRuntime Redistributable dlls in the package. TMEdixX creates an Available fixup to remove from package and add PackageDependency to the equivalent MSIX Dependency page, if available.  This solution might be preferred in some security-fanatic organizations, but does require that the dependency be externally supplied and maintained on destination systems.
  • Added logic to change the default filename when saving if the certificate subject field is different that the original package by computing the MSIX hash of the new subject associated with the new code signing certificate.
  • Added a command line option to register the product rather than the GUI.
  • Added support for direct package conversion for MSIX to VHD, VHDX, and CIM.  The SaveAsCIM option is replaced in the new Conversion tab found on the File menu.
  • Added a slew of Restricted Capabilities that have now been documented by Microsoft.  Most of these are associated with modern applications (those built using .Net 5+), which affects the ability to modify modern vendor apps that use these features.

Features/Fixes: MsixDeploy

  • Added support for working with VHD/VHDX packages in addition to CIM.  The local deployment of these packages are not working at this time due to Microsoft issues, which we are attempting to resolve.
  • Added display of package dependencies on installed packages display.

By Tim Mangan

Tim is a Microsoft MVP, and a Citrix CTP Fellow. He is an expert in App-V and MSIX.