About Public Microsoft App-V and MSIX "Masters Level" Training by TMurgent

Upcoming Classes: For the upcoming class list, see our home page.
"The ultimate training class for App-V and MSIX is the Experts Level App-V Training run by Tim Mangan at TMurgent. You want to learn from the best of the best!"
We offer training in packaging for both App-V and MSIX, sometimes as a single class covering both technologies, and shorter classes dedicated to just one. Be sure to check the class description, and if you don't see the type of class you need, please contact us.
- The dual technology class runs 40 hours, a single technology class runs 32 hours.
- In-person classes will run 8 hours per day.
- Remote classes will run 4 hours per day (double the number of days).
- Classes in Culemborg may be hybrid, supporting both in-person and a few remote students. That class runs on the normal in-person schedule. Hybrid is not available elsewhere.
The best detail for a class will be found on the registration page for that class on our website. The information below is for the combined technology class.
The TMurgent "Masters Level" Packaging for App-V and MSIX training courses are the most thorough and advanced training on Microsoft App-V and MSIX in the world. Whether you are brand new to Packaging or an old hand at it looking to upgrade your skills for the latest techniques and versions, this class will teach you the fundamentals through to the techniques the experts use.
Classes are small, typically not more the 10 students, and hands-on. You will be taught by Tim Mangan, the world's foremost expert on packaging.
After attending this class you will be able to:
Understand how to analyze an application for potential issues.
Select the right Packaging and Deployment tools for the application.
Know our Best Practices for packaging in App-v and for MSIX.
Learn advanced skills for App-V and MSIX packaging.
Avoid the pitfalls of virtualization and containers.
Be confident in using best-of-breed tools.
Diagnose and troubleshoot application problems that arise.
Unless you have a team of five or more, our public class offering, which is scheduled regularly in the US and Europe, is the most cost effective way to get up and running with App-V and MSIX. This is a five day, hands on, intensive course of study. The emphasis of the course is hands-on and practical as to how you are going to deploy Application Virtualization/Containerization and prepare applications. We cover both the basics and deep-dives via instructor presentations. The labs are designed to provide, hands on experience in packaging and testing. Students are encouraged to bring in their own troublesome applications to work on such that real-world troubleshooting can be experienced. All students leave with a hard copy of our Guidebooks for their future reference. These guides are the definitive word on Microsoft Application Virtualization and MSIX! Students successfully completing the class will receive a certificate.
Except under rare circumstances, classes are run on the latest public release. We have even been known to swap in a new release that occurs during the week of the class when we have had access to the pre-release versions.
Course Includes:
- 5 days of Experts Level Packaging for Microsoft Application Virtualization and MSIX course.
- Access to Hands-on Lab.
- Lunches all 5 days.
- The three Companion Guides for Packaging Concepts, App-V, and MSIX.
Class Schedule:
In-person classes run from 9am to 5pm daily (unless adjusted locally), and remote classes will run 4-hours per day for twice the number of days. Anticipated Morning and Afternoon schedule is shown for the four day class below. Please assume you need to stay in class until 5PM on the final day when booking your flights!
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Concepts: Packaging Windows API
Introduction to App-V Sequencing: |
Sequencing Labs |
Debugging Applications |
Sequencing Labs |
Concepts: App Virt Containers
Sequencing Labs |
MSIX Labs |
Sequencing Labs |
Packaging Labs |
Public classes are normally limited to a maximum of 10 students to ensure that everyone receives the individual attention they deserve.
We do not publicly post our syllabus because we have found it copied by others when in fact they do not cover the materials as thoroughly as we do. There are currently 16 labs in the App-V Sequencing Guidebook alone, plus additional labs in the MSIX Guidebook. Rest assured, you are learning from the best of the best and our class is the most complete available. If in doubt, just tweet out a question about the quality of the class on twitter using the #appv or #msix hashtag.
Cost and Availability:
Class pricing varies based on the location. See individual classes for pricing. Most public classes in the US are held in the Boston, MA area, although we typically move a winter class somewhere warmer. In Europe we have partners that host the training regularly in The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Austria.
Public classes are normally limited to a maximum of 10 students to ensure that everyone receives the individual attention they deserve.