Private Microsoft App-V & MSIX "Masters Level" Training by TMurgent
"The ultimate training class for App-V and MSIX is the Masters Level App-V Training run by Tim Mangan at TMurgent. You want to learn from the best of the best!"

TMurgent also provides private, on-site, or remote classes. This is often a better choice when you have five or more people requiring training. A private class may be our full App-V and MSIX class, or focus on a single technology as desired.
The advantage of private classes is the ability to focus in on how you use Microsoft Application Virtualization and or MSIX. Maybe you use App-V with XenApp, maybe you use the Desktop product. Maybe you use both. Maybe you have already decided to use SCCM to distribute the App-V packages. Maybe you are an ASP/MSP with multiple customers to service. Maybe you have branch offices. Maybe you have a lot of Java apps. Maybe you have home grown apps. These private classes, typically held on your site using your own test equipment provide the absolute best customized training available.
The private class is often used as a way to jump-start your deployment. Or bring it up to the next level, so that you can package more efficiently and with improved quality. Or maybe you would like part training and part consulting and/or implementation. If desired, we can run additional side sessions for staff that doesn't need the full training and only an introduction specific to their job function.
If you would like to arrange the best Microsoft Application Virtualization and MSIX training around, contact Mary Jane at (+1) 781-535-4954. Please be sure to indicate if your interest is in a private or public class, the number of people, your location, and email and phone contact info.
Pricing is on a per-day basis, so we can do as much or little as you need.
Don't have enough people to train to justify a private class? Contact your local reseller and ask if they can host a semi-private class! They probably have another customer or two to help fill in the seats. A maximum of 10 seats is recommended in each class.