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Timothy Mangan

Photo: Tim ManganKahuna

Tim Mangan is the Founder of TMurgent Technologies. He creates all of the training and software produced by the company. He is widely recognized around the world as the lead expert on building and managing applications in the Microsoft Windows environment. 

Prior to launching TMurgent, Tim was with many software and/or hardware companies including Softricity, Sync Research, Tylink, Avanti Communications, Memotec, Teleglobe, Infinet, and ComputerVision.  Somewhere in between he also did consulting work for the WAN side of a major US bank.  At one point he was also the President of the Frame Relay Forum, an international consortium of Communication Carriers, Vendors, and Users.

Tim speaks at many conferences around the world, usually on App-V, MSIX, Virtualization, and/or Performance. 

He has been awarded by Microsoft as a Most Valuable Professional  (MVP) for "Remote Desktop Services", "Application Virtualization", and "Windows IT Professional" over the last 17 years.  He also has been awarded by Citrix as a "Citrix Technology Professional Fellow",  an achievement held by only four others around the world.

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(+1) 781.492.0403

Mary Jane Mangan

Photo: Mary Jane Mangan
Prime Minister

We had a hard time picking out a title for Mary Jane, but we kind of like this one. Her role is pretty much to take care of all the details, both internally and externally. She handles all of the logistics for our Training classes, customer relations, billing, and more.

By training a Professional Dietitian and by vocation a Professional Volunteer, her primary unique qualification is hanging around Tim long enough to understand him. Please contact Mary Jane to schedule all training classes.

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(+1) 781.535.4954

ALUMNI - Patrick Mangan

Photo: Patrick Mangan

Position while at TMurgent: Sequencing Specialist

Current Position: Working at a major University where he primarily takes care of App-V packaging.

Probably the only person in the world that has worked with Application Virtualization for over half of his life, Patrick was an unofficial tester for SoftwareWow way back in 2000.

Patrick had been a contractor doing contract App-V sequencing for us and some customers since 2011. He also helped out with teaching portions of the App-V training classes. He now works for one of our customers, a local University, on a full time basis.

Patrick is an Eagle Scout, and is pursing an degree in Engineering on the side.

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ALUMNI - Kate Mangan

Photo: Kate ManganTMurgent Technologies Alumni

Title while on staff: Technical Shaman

Present Occupation: Working in IT at a Regional Bank

The older of the siblings; not shy about telling it like it is. Kate recently was working for us as a consultant doing contract sequencing and other IT things dealing with getting applications to the desktops, servers, and virtual machines. But now she joined the Bank that she consulted for as a full-time employee.

A graduate in Computer Science from Bridgewater State University, Kate earned some practical IT experience by working on the help desk for Faculty and Staff at the University. She is well versed in App-V, she was working as a consultant for the contract sequencing services side of the house, and co-wrote the original version of the App-V 5 PowerShell book.

Kate earned her Gold Award in Girl Scouts. 

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(+1) 781.535.4953

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